Meeting the Challenges of Freelancing

By Lee Ann Hargrave

Since I started writing 5 years ago, I learned the hard way that there are just some people out there that want you to write for them practically for free. I don’t know about you but, I have a BBA (semi-retired), and I am a fierce researcher. My time is valuable to me. Why would I want to sit in front of my computer for hours and make $20 or pay 20% to a company just to help me find work?

Recently, I have been going about writing a different direction instead of freelancing website job finders. I have been using LinkedIn, my website promotions, and my Facebook page to get more traffic for my site!

The first thing you need to do is update your LinkedIn profile to reflect that you are freelancing (contracting) work. Show your experience, likes, and topics that interest you. Create a page just for your freelance business then follow people and groups that can help you get a foot in the door so to speak. Pick people that have the power to at minimum refer your name to their hiring people.

Link your Facebook page, website and LinkedIn pages so that your information is consistent. Then write, write, write because as we all know, “Content is King”!

Need curated content? Try and create your own newsletter which enables you to pick the type of articles received within the newsletter. It is a great place to start and it can give you great writing ideas of your own.

If you would like to discuss some of my tactics, just message me a I check my mail everyday (sometimes even more) and I would love to discuss your particular issues with you!

Thanks for listening and have a great day!

Lee Ann

PS: Follow my blog to keep up with the latest by signing up on the home page of this site. If you would like a copy of my newsletter, just email me.

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